Annual Meeting 2020
The Biobio Society statutory annual meeting convened on 16th of June in order to approve the annual report and financial statement for 2019 as well as the action plan and budget for 2020. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic the statutory meeting was postponed from the initial scheduled month of March.
On behalf of the whole Biobio Society, the members of the executive committee wish to thank docent Kaisa Haukka (University of Helsinki), professor Jukka Finne (University of Helsinki), PhD Maarit Jokela (University of Oulu) and professor Jaana Rysä (University of Eastern Finland) for their long-standing devotion and commitment as the members of the committee, sharinf their expertise and advancing to society's activities.
Docent Jenni Hultman (University of Helsinki), docent Jussi Jäntti (VTT), MSc Mikko Karpale (University of Oulu) and professor Vesa Hytönen (Tampere University) were newly elected to the executive committee.
The annual meeting confirmed the annual report, the action plan and the budget for the FInnish National Committee for Biosciences.
Biobio society executive committee members were selected as members of the national committee 2020.
Members of the society may request the minutes from the society's secretary.
Annual report for the Biobio society (in Finnish): biobio_2019.pdf
Annual report for the Finnish National Committee for Biosciences (in Finnish): Biotieteiden kansalliskomitea 2019