Tälle sivulle listautuvat kaikki Ajankohtaista-sisältötyypillä tehdyt tapahtumat (tapahtuma-Kategoria) (englanti)
FEBS3+ Baltics: Biochemistry at the Fore Line!
April 23–25, 2025, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The 2023 A. I. Virtanen Prize award ceremony will be organized on Friday December 15th, 2023.
The Bioscientific Society of Oulu arranged an event ”I have an idea, what next? The ABCs of founding your own bio business” with the purpose to provide a compact overview on how to take ideas emerging from research into business.
Biobio Society together with Foundation for Nutrition research organized a scientific symposium Future of Food as a part of ChemBio Finland 2019.