Societas biochemica, biophysica et microbiologica Fenniae is a scientific society promoting experimental biological research in Finland.
Everyone living in Finland and involved or interested in biosciences may become a member of Biobio Society.
The greatest benefit of becoming a member are the grants that the international head organisations offer for Biobio members. For a summary of the grants, see Grants that members of the Biobio society can apply.
You can become a member in Biobio Society by filling a membership application form and returning it to the secretary. You may also send the information to go into the fields of the form by e-mail to the secretary. Please include recommendations from two Biobio members; the referees can likewise e-mail their recommendations to the secretary. In the case of the applicant is not aware of possible referees, please contact secretary (at) The executive comittee will accept your membership in the next meeting. Annual membership fee is 28 euros. For undergraduate students the annual membership fee is 10 euros.